The Roles / Entities in the website are follows.

Law Firms
Lawyers / Advocates
Individual / Clients

The absolute requirement for becoming a member of the website is have working email ID for an individual.

Advocates again need a working email ID (permanent) for registering.

Law Firms can be registered again using an email ID to register. Lawyers are associated with Law firms and so are the cases. The cases are associated with the law firms. A Law Firm add as many Lawyers as needed.


Login and Use.

On Login the header contain the role menu “Advocate” or “Firm”. Both have different Options.

  • On Registering as an advocate, a firm is created automatically with your name as the firm name.
  • You can edit your firm name by clicking on the firm menu on the top bar.
  • The Advocate Menu Contains an edit option in the advocate Menu for updating your details (Names, Phone number etc.)

Firm Menu


  • Displays the list of Advocates linked with your firm along with their number of cases.

Edit Profile

  • To edit your ‘Firm Profile’ click on ‘My Profile’ located on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ to update firm’s info.

Adding More Advocates

  • You can add advocates to your firm by clicking on the ‘Advocate Directory’ located on the left hand side of the screen or by clicking on the ‘Add Advocates’ button located below advocates list.
  • Select the Advocate you want to add and press the ‘Add to firm’ button to add the Advocate. Once the Advocate confirms your request, he will be added to your firm.
  • If the Advocate is NOT registered with us. You will have to help us by emailing them to join in on the website. Once they are registered you can add them in on your firm

Manage Advocates

  • You can manage the firm’s advocates by clicking on the ‘Firm's Advocate’ located on the left hand side of the screen.
  • You can suspend/activate or delete the advocate from this menu.

Firm Cases

  • On this screen, you can see the cases held by the firm.
  • You can also see which case is allocated to which advocate and the next hearing of that case.
  • The firm can assign a case to another advocate by clicking on ‘Change Advocate’ option.

Advocate Menu


  • On the Dashboard, you will see the list of cases whose hearings is today.
  • You can select a date and see the list of hearing for cases on that particular date.
  • When you click on the case hearing, all details will be displayed related to that case.

Edit Profile

  • To edit your profile click on ‘My Profile’ located on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ to update your profile.

Adding Cases

  • To add cases, click on ‘Add Case’, located on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Select the Law Firm with whom you want to add the case, if you are not attached to any other firm, your firm’s name will be displayed by default.
  • Enter the Client Email Id, Mobile number and press the continue button.
  • If the client is already registered with us, his details will appear on the screen else you can add the client by clicking on the ‘Add Client’.

Add as Client

  • A registration form will appear. Fill-in the client details and click on ‘Submit’.
  • After registering the client, a new screen will appear in which you can add the case details. Use the displayed form to add the case to your list of cases.

Manage Cases

  • You can see all your cases by clicking the ‘Manage Cases’ located on the left hand side of the screen.
  • On ‘Manage Cases’ screen, there are four actions available:

  • Edit Case

On clicking on the ‘Edit’ option a screen named ‘Edit Case’ will appear in which we can edit the case details.

  • Message Client:

On clicking the ‘Message’ option you can send client a message, for the case update.

  • Case Finalized:

On clicking the ‘Case Finalized’ button you can close the case by filling the necessary details.

  • Case Hearing:

On clicking the ‘Hearings’ button, you can add the next hearing for the case.

Client List

  • On this screen, you can see your list of clients.
  • If you have registered the client on the basis of mobile number, then you can edit and add his email id by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button.


  • You can see the messages that have been send by the client(s) to you.
  • You can also reply back to the messages by clicking on the ‘Reply’ option.

Change Password

  • You can change your password by clicking on the change password.

Individual Menu / Client Menu


  • On the Dashboard, you will see the list of cases which you have filed.

My Profile

  • To edit your profile click on ‘My Profile’ located on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the ‘Edit Profile’ to update your profile.

My Cases

  • In this option, you can see your cases, send messages and view next hearing date.
  • On clicking on send message option, you can send the message to the advocate regarding the case.
  • On clicking on ‘View Hearing’, you can see the next hearing date for the case.


  • It contains the messages send by the advocate to you.
  • You can delete the messages by clicking on the delete button.