The Roles / Entities in the website are follows.
The absolute requirement for becoming a member of the website is have working email ID for an individual.
Advocates again need a working email ID (permanent) for registering.
Law Firms can be registered again using an email ID to register. Lawyers are associated with Law firms and so are the cases. The cases are associated with the law firms. A Law Firm add as many Lawyers as needed.
Login and Use.
On Login the header contain the role menu “Advocate” or “Firm”. Both have different Options.
Manage Cases
- You can see all your cases by clicking the ‘Manage Cases’ located on the left hand side of the screen.
- On ‘Manage Cases’ screen, there are four actions available:
On clicking on the ‘Edit’ option a screen named ‘Edit Case’ will appear in which we can edit the case details.
On clicking the ‘Message’ option you can send client a message, for the case update.
On clicking the ‘Case Finalized’ button you can close the case by filling the necessary details.
On clicking the ‘Hearings’ button, you can add the next hearing for the case.